SharePoint A-Z : J is for JSON

JSON is a type of code you can use to make lists and list forms look different. You can also use it to hide certain menu items, like the download button. Even change the site design.

We applied some JSON to our Timesheet list. The header is orange and has an icon. The columns are next to each other. The footer used to display before Microsoft Lists took over SharePoint Lists, so now it is under the scroll bar.

You can add the JSON scripts in the ‘Configure Layout’ option from the top right of any item you have clicked on to view in a list, or in the ‘New’ form.

You can apply code to 3 parts of your list form, the header, body or footer.

Go to the section, add the code. Preview it to see if it’s looking okay, then click ‘Save’.


There is a whole lot of cool stuff you can do using JSON. Here’s a bunch of things for lists in Github. I can’t code to save my life, so if I can’t just click ‘copy and paste’ and change a few values, it’s lost on me. Make sure you have someone on standby to help you with this stuff if you are the same.

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