SharePoint A-Z : A is for Alerts

Continuing the love for the A-Z list, I’ve decided to write a blog for all 26 letters kindly provided by Ami.

Alerts are out of box ways to make SharePoint bring information to you. You can get alerted on new items, edited items, deleted items, or all of the above. And you can be notified either instantly, or on a daily or weekly summary. You can add alerts on for yourself, or for other people. You can add alerts to lists and libraries.

Follow the dots and click on Alert Me to add one.

Configure the fields as necessary.


Give the Alert Title a sensible name so you know what it’s about when it gets sent. For example: New Doc Added, Doc Changed, Doc Deleted.

You can also add alerts for content being added to specific views. This works great on anything with a threshold, like a Sales Pipeline. You could create a view on sales above X amount, then put an alert on for new items in that view to be sent to an Executive. That way you can minimize the amount of noise sent up the executive chain.

You can manage your own alerts from the list / library.

You can either delete it or change the settings in it.

If you have added alerts for other people, you can only manage them from Site Settings.

Click the dropdown on the alerts, select the user, then click Update.

You only have the option to delete an alert, not change. The user will need to change it themself.

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