10 Things the SharePoint World Taught Me

Breaking into a new field is hard.  You don’t know what you’re doing, you don’t know who to ask, you’re afraid to ask, it takes a long time to get traction. That was my experience when I first started with SharePoint almost 7 years ago.  I struggled through it with no idea what I was doing, but was blessed with working with someone who believed in me from day one and pushed me to do better every single day.  And with his support, I got to spread my wings.

This year I started a new hobby – organic gardening / small scale farming to get away from genetically modified food.  I realised that I would have to do an entire lifestyle change to succeed in this.  My experience with SharePoint immediately kicked in and the learning curve has dropped exponentially!  What took me almost 2 years in SharePoint, I achieved in 4 months in the organic world.  This is what I did.

1. Find out who the key people are in the industry

Read books and Google the authors of the ones you like.  Find their websites, read their blogs, see who there refer.  Make note of who’s names keep coming up – those are the industry specialists.

2. Use social media 

Introduce yourself to those book authors, comment on their blogs, add them on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, follow their Facebook pages, email them.  Be polite, tell them who you are, that you’re new, and that you need their help. Engage in conversations with people on social media.  Many people think Facebook is just for fun, but it is a gigantic online community filled with very interesting, knowledgeable people who are only too happy to share and engage with you.

3. Do your homework

Don’t be lazy and just pummel all the specialists with 800 questions. Be diligent and do some research yourself first.  Show that you are meeting them half way so you aren’t wasting their time.  Specialists in all industries are always busy people, respect that. Come up with specific questions about something you’ve discovered.

4. Put yourself out there

Go to events, courses, shops, offices in person and meet people in the flesh. Make sure you always have business cards on you and follow up with an email after the meeting.  Be consistent.  If there are user groups for the industry, start attending them religiously.

5. Choose people wisely

If anyone is unkind to you on your new journey, get away from them and find someone else.  If you’re really passionate about the subject, you may want to be in that field for a long time.  It’s important to surround yourself with nice people. Horrible people can make your journey an utter misery.  Learn to pick up the signs fast and move on; there’s plenty of amazing people out there, go find them.

6. Document your journey

None of us live in a bubble, if you are interested in changing your stars, chances are there’s a whole army of people wanting to do the same.  Once you’ve been in an industry for a long time, you forget what it was like the first year.  That’s when you can get arrogant about your skills.  Don’t become like that.  So document your entire journey so others can follow one day and you can remember where you came from.

7. Be patient

It’s a process and you won’t know everything overnight.  It is said that to become an expert you need 10 000 hours / 10 years experience.  Most people don’t have the fortitude to stick something out that long.  One day at a time.  And no matter how slow you’re going, it’s still faster than the person sitting on the couch watching TV. Everything will happen when it’ supposed to.

8. Google is your friend

The best advice I ever got in my first year of SharePoint, was “Google it”.  I was driving my mentor crazy with questions and in sheer frustration he sent me to Google.  While I was kinda miffed at that, it was the best advice ever!  Don’t go to mainstream media for your information, find alternative news sources.  Check your facts over and over.  Don’t believe just once source, check 10 to see if they all say the same thing.  Confirm your findings with industry specialists.

9. Be innovative

Newbies may not know it all, but the one thing they do have is a fresh perspective on an old problem.  Don’t be afraid to make innovative suggestions – and then follow through with them.  Those that have been around a while sometimes get stuck in the “can’t see the wood for the trees” type of thing.

10. Pay it forward

When someone in the new industry helps and mentors you; when you are able, do the same.  Never forget where you came from.

new horizons


  1. I agree with Carolyn – superb advice! Especially for someone, like me, who has just entered the SharePoint Consulting world. Thank you!!


  2. Great post and nice to read. I came across your blog via the sharepoint-community.net. ill be sure to follow it more often 🙂


  3. Hi John,
    Have you tried out SharePoint 2013? Pdf not a problem. Works extremely well in all major browsers. Microsoft has done a great job in SharePoint 2013.


  4. @Joel, thanks hun. 🙂 Always nice to get some encouragement and great to hear from you.

    @Lisa, I most certainly will yes. There are almost 800 people in my town attending the march. Tomorrow is poster painting day. 🙂

    @John, oh dear, sounds like you’re having a rough day out there. I’m sorry it’s giving you so many challenges, it’s not easy, that’s for sure. One day at a time.

    @Carolyn, only a pleasure, thanks for reading. 🙂


  5. I just got into organic gardening also this year. We cut out HFCS several years ago and last year started cutting out dyes (red 40, yellow 5, etc) and then I started learning more about GMOs and the foods we eat…. So in the last 6 months we’ve been buying more organic and non-GMO foods. We are now embarking on buying free range chicken and eggs and within the next month will be buying grass fed beef. Will you be participating in the March against Monsanto this weekend?


  6. Things SharePoint has taught me.
    1, Microsoft hates Adobe. Why else would it be so hard to get SharePoint to work with PDFs?
    2, Consistency is for neds. File opens directly on this page, saves to desktop on this one, opens in the browser here. Same permissions, same browser.
    3, SharePoint only pretends to like other browsers. Most things mostly work, just to lull you into a false sense of security.
    4, Yeah, there’s a webpart that will do this obvious function that Microsoft seem to have forgotten. What’s your credit card number?
    5, You want to develop for SharePoint? Just install it locally on your computer. Or you could always work directly on the live server.
    6, Microsoft hates web developers. Why else would it make customising SharePoint so hard?
    7, I’m sorry, that’s too many list items.

    Don’t get me wrong, I can see the advantages of SharePoint, they’re just not the ones my boss used to sell it to the organisation.


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