Your SharePoint Training Path

When trying to decide what SharePoint training to go on, we always have the same answer – make sure you know what’s going on out of box and with the “easy” stuff before you specialise in anything.  It doesn’t matter how technical or non-technical you want to get in your career, you need a solid foundation on which to build it.

Here’s the approach we recommend.  Don’t do back to back training because it will just overwhelm you, take it one or two days at a time only.  There are plenty of complimentary courses that will be invaluable in your SharePoint career.  Get all the oranges ones in as well as the complimentary courses and the world will be your oyster – you can be anything you want to be.  There are almost endless career opportunities in the SharePoint world and it’s crying out for skills.  It’s never too late or too early to start.  Just understand that it doesn’t happen overnight, manage your expectations.


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